You can make a difference. By donating today, you can ensure that we get more and more kids out onto the ocean - an invaluable experience and opportunity to build their confidence and spark their imagination.

Interested in getting your school out to sea? Contact us!



Your tax-deductible donation allows us to get more and more students out sailing. We can work with new schools from diverse communities each year! 

Donate now and make an impact!


Tell your school and teachers about our field trips. We'll try our best to get you out onto the water on one of the Tall Ships. We can connect you to programs and talk about ways to fund your sail. There's no better way to make an impact than to become a local advocate yourself for kids and adventure.

Reach out today and tell us about your students!

Aye Aye! I'll make a Donation!

Chris was the captain of the tall ship Liberty Clipper, which does public sails up and down the East Coast and Bahamas. You can take your family and friends out on the water here:
He also worked on the Schooner Roseway, which does educational sails in Boston and St. Croix in partnership with the World Ocean School. Learn more at: